
Before You Fill Out Our New Client Form


Before you fill out the New Client Form, we have a few important recommendations we would like to make sure you are aware of; after you have read through them you may click the link at the bottom of the page to go to the New Client Form.

We know there may be a lot of information to consider when you and your pet meet a new veterinarian. You may have moved from an area where recommendations that are common there don’t necessarily apply here. Or you’ve just changed veterinarians and our recommendations for products or services are different than what you’re used to. Either way, this form was designed to help discuss some of the more common veterinary services our clients ask about-or more importantly DON’T ask about, but we feel it is important to know what we recommend and why.


It is very important to have your pet examined at least once yearly as part of their preventive wellness care. A thorough exam by the veterinarian can reveal problems in the very early stages when they can be more easily and effectively treated; bloodwork and urinalysis are recommended annually on older pets for this very reason. Early detection of any disease is key to successful treatment; and by having an annual physical, many problems can be caught quickly before they become a major health crisis.


Keeping un-altered pets can be very challenging. For instance, intact male cats and dogs will mark their territory with urine and the smell can be difficult to get rid of. Intact male dogs are much more likely to bite and (like intact male cats) have a tendency to wander away from home; they often escape their yard where they can get into fights or be hit by a car while out looking for females. Outdoor cats that fight can get abscesses and may also become exposed to FIV or FeLV (https://www.petmd.com/cat/conditions/difference-between-felv-and-fiv ) which is usually fatal. The two most important reasons for spaying a female pet are due to overpopulation concerns and the potential for developing a life-threatening condition called pyometra (infected uterus). Even if you try to keep an intact female pet in your own yard, males can breakthrough, dig under or climb over fencing to get to an in-heat female pet. Another very important reason we recommend spaying and neutering is because some forms of cancer, exacerbated by the hormones produced by an intact pet can be avoided simply by having the pet altered. Typically we recommend spaying and neutering after the vaccine series is completed or between 5-6 months of age.


Probably one of the most important recommendations we make is for all pets to have an annual microscopic stool exam performed to check for intestinal parasites that are undetectable to the human eye. Zoonotic parasitic worms such as Roundworms and Hookworms can be transmitted to humans and can be especially problematic for children and people with suppressed immune systems. Intestinal organisms such as Giardia and Coccidia can cause serious gastrointestinal problems in humans when exposed to these parasites. If your pet is not on a monthly parasite control product such as Sentinel or Revolution, oral deworming for Roundworms and Hookworms should be performed during their annual visit and the stool exam should be performed to check for any of the other parasites your pet may have been exposed to.

For more information on Zoonotic Parasites, please visit: https://www.dvm360.com/view/zoonotic-parasitic-infections-contracted-dogs-and-cats-how-frequent-are-they


A chip the size of a grain of rice, inserted between the shoulder blades just under the skin will serve as permanent identification that cannot be lost, removed, or wiggled out of by your pet. Once implanted, you must register your pet’s chip number with the chip manufacturer, then your contact information will remain in their database where it will be accessible to veterinarians and animal shelters all over the country simply by running a scanner over the pet’s shoulders. You can then be contacted and notified of the whereabouts of your little renegade and make arrangements to get him home where he belongs.


Vaccinations are an important part of your pet’s preventive wellness care. Puppies and Kittens will go through a series of vaccines scheduled by the veterinarian based on the pet's age and environment.

A typical puppy protocol will consist of Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus Parainfluenza, Bordetella, Leptospirosis, and Rabies given at specific intervals in a series that should normally be completed at about 4 months of age. The kitten series would consist of the Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia Vaccines given in a series that would conclude at about 3 months of age. Depending on the cat’s lifestyle, vaccination for Rabies and Feline Leukemia may also be recommended. A FeLV/FIV (https://www.petmd.com/cat/conditions/difference-between-felv-and-fiv ) test will be recommended for any previously untested cat or kitten starting a vaccination series.

Adult dogs and cats will get their vaccines boostered at different intervals throughout their lifetime, usually at the time of their wellness exam. Not all vaccines need to be boostered yearly and your veterinarian will recommend which ones should be given and when based on your pet's age and lifestyle.

It is also very important to emphasize-not all vaccines are alike. We only use Merial Recombitek and PureVax Vaccines. With Merial’s high-quality vaccines, you can be sure your pet is receiving the safest, most effective vaccine with the least likely chance of adverse reaction available.


Fleas and ticks are quite prevalent in the Lake Elsinore area and the use of a monthly parasite control product can help keep your pet free of these pests, keep his coat healthy and prevent tapeworms (which are transmitted by fleas). For affordable effective flea and tick control on dogs, we recommend the topical product Vectra 3D and for cats, we recommend Vectra (which controls fleas only).

For our canine patients, the oral product Sentinel can be used in conjunction with the Vectra 3D as a Heartworm Preventive as well as a monthly intestinal parasite control. Revolution is a great topical product for cats as it controls fleas, ticks, intestinal parasites, and even ear mites! Make sure to ask the veterinarian during your pet’s next wellness visit what product might work best to keep him comfortable and parasite-free.

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